2021: Metanoia

Welcome to the Sacred Babe.

A sanctuary for the soul, inspiration for designing a life around self development, feeling good through fitness, nutrition, spirituality, wellness and aligning yourself with your highest dreams. Join me, Dr. Abby Reed on an adventure to ascend, expand and become the best version of you.

“Metanoia - A sudden, transformative shift in perspective and being.


You've been initiated - do you feel it or are you aware of it's presence? Initiated for what you ask? So far, if you are reading this blog post you are still here on planet Earth, you have thus far survived a global pandemic. You have been tested in ways maybe you never imagined you ever would be. You have learned things about yourself that a year ago would have seemed other-worldly. You have a purpose beyond your wildest dreams to carry out - jewels buried deep within you that are waiting to manifest.

It's called a collective spiritual awakening, metanoia, a sudden and seismic shift - what the world has gone through - not one person has been able to escape it. And while this experience may be painful, mind-numbing, scary and confusing - it is also the experience that will literally resuscitate you back into being fully alive.

That is the path of transformation - an experience so far out of our comfort zone one is forced to change. For many of you - myself included patterns and old behaviors that have not served my highest good have shown up in my life over the last 10 months - with my health, mindset, relationships - you name it! But really - they were there all along and just not being dealt with. I have had to choose to face these patterns (called shadow work) to clear the energy, the pattern and the chronic unconscious decisions that were leading me back into that negative spiral.

So what is it for you? What do you need to face and once and for all to clear? My hopes is that this blog makes life design crazy, sexy, cool something that inspires you to think, create and take action on - but you have to clear the thorns and tumbleweeds before you uncover the radiant self that is within.

Maybe you are already there. Maybe you have a ways to go but regardless, acknowledge your initiation. Today you step in to alignment with God, Source, Angels, your Spirit Guides to co-create a life and destiny filled with beauty.

How is metanoia showing up for you?

Ivy Valentina