The Importance of Probiotics for Health

Hello Sacred Family, 

Today I wanted to talk about the importance of taking a pre/probiotic. In today's society with our processed foods and antibiotics it is common for people to have gut dysbiosis. This means that the "healthy" or beneficial bacteria in your GI system gets over ran by bad bacteria. It is important that we not only have good bacteria but high enough numbers that will work for us to synthesize important micronutrients, vitamins and essential minerals. Just eating the right foods is not good enough if you don't have the proper gut biome to make absorption of these nutrients possible. The digestive system is a key link in health of not only your food intake but also you're the gut/brain balance and the skin. Here are some common symptoms of people that are experiencing gut dysbiosis:

Constipation/DiarrheaBloating and GasAbdominal dyscomfortBrain fogAcneHeart BurnIrritable Bowel Syndrome
Yeast infectionsGeneral Inflammation and so much more. 

So how do you improve you gut biome? We recommend taking a pre/pro biotic daily. It is important to switch these up every 6 months or so to change the bacteria being introduced to your system. Garden of Life is a brand that we recommend, to get professional grade quantitiy reach out to Dr. Kelsey and she can order some for you. Other things you can add to your diet to help is kimchi, kefir, sauerkroaut, greek yogurt and probiotic drinks/teas such as kombucha. 

Dr. Kelsey Crow

Ivy Valentina